HOTEL FENIX TORREMOLINOS, managed by the company Marganda XXI SL, with CIF B01410372, and address in  Terrer street, 2. Salou 43840 (Tarragona), registration number H/MA/00094, issued by the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Autonomous Government), in compliance with article 25 of Decree-law 13/2020, of 18 May, establishing extraordinary and urgent measures regarding hotel establishments, coordination of alerts, promotion of digitalisation, reactivation of the cultural sector and flexibilization in different areas given the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, approves these RULES AND REGULATIONS which establishes the rules that must be abided by users of the hotel during their stay.

These regulations will comprise the conditions for admission, norms for behaviour and   age,  information about the inistrative organisation and people to contact in case of queries about the operation of the establishment. A list of complementary services provided by companies different from the establishment will also be specified, regulations about the admission of animals, and any other conditions for using the hotel’s installations, equipment and services.

This document will be at the disposal of users at reception, in Spanish and English.

Users may also consult the Regulations at any time, by visiting the establishment’s website.


1 – Conditions for admission.

1.1 – Although the hotel is an establishment for public use, admission or accommodation and  be refused in the following cases:

a) If the accommodation or the facilities have reached their máximum capacity.

b) If requirements for admission established in these regulations are not met.

c) In cases of behaviour that could cause danger or disturbance to other people, either guests or otherwise, or hinder the normal activities of the establishment.

d) Due to inappropriate clothing. Interior restaurant areas and main public areas may not be accessed while wearing a swimming costume, for example. It will be necessary to be wearing at least a t-shirt and shorts to access dining rooms and interior bar-cafeteria. Access to the restaurant wearing a swimming costume or flip-flops and gentlemen wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts Will not be allowed.

e) If the person does not present minimum standards of hygiene.

g) If the person is bearing weapons or objects that could be used as weapons, except, according to specific legislation, these people are members of the Police or bodyguards belonging to private companies, and they access the establishment for work purposes.

h) If the person is consuming or displays symptoms of having consumed narcotic or psychotropic substances, and people displaying evident signs of drunkenness. Anyone causing intentional damage to the installations, uproar or disturbance, especially after complaints made by other guests, will be expelled.

i) After the closing time of the establishment.

j) Due to the country’s health situation at the time of approval of this regulation, users of the establishment who do not comply with the prevention and control regulations established by the authorities may also be refused access.

1.2 – The hotel may request the assistance of the police to eject anyone in breach of these Internal Regulations, generally accepted rules of social behaviour, or who intend to access or stay in the establishment for any other purpose different from the regular use of hotel services. In any case, a person refused access will be

obliged to pay for the services consumed up to the moment of prohibition of access

to the establishment.

Nobody will be refused access or restricted in the free use of installations, services and accommodation in this hotel on the grounds of sex, disability (with or without a guide dog), religion, opinion or any other personal or social characteristic.

2 – Requirements for admission.

2.1 – In compliance with legislation regarding obligations of registration with documentation for natural or legal persons wishing to stay in the hotel, it will be necessary to fill in an admission document on arrival, and at that moment, they Will be informed of their rights and obligations as a customer, as well as the existence of

these Rules and Regulations.

2.2 – As well as completing the admission document, guests must present an official identification document which will also be consulted for the hotel to complete the register of travellers as required by legislation.

2.3 – Once the admission document has been filled in and signed, a copy Will be handed over to the guest, which will contain at least the name, classification and registration code in the establishment’s Tourism Register of Andalusia, identifying the room, number of people who will be occupying it, arrival and departure dates, meal

plan, the total price of the stay if the accommodation contract has been signed between the user and the hotel directly, handing over, in this case, the corresponding original document as a contract.

2.4.- Complementary services offered and provided by this establishment or other persons or entities will be detailed at reception and formalised in the corresponding documents, and they will be paid for according to the established conditions.

3 – Rights

Users of this establishment have the following rights:

  1. To receive truthful, sufficient, comprehensible and unequivocal information before their stay, as well as the full final price, including taxes, with a breakdown (if applicable) of the amounts of increases or discounts applied to any possible offer.
  2. To receive documents accrediting the contract terms.
  3. To access the establishment according to the contract terms.
  4. To receive services according to the established conditions.
  5. To have their security, safety of their property and privacy duly guaranteed in the hotel. To be informed of any temporary situation that could alter their rest and peace of mind.
  6. To receive information about the installations or services that entail any risk and the safety measures adopted.
  7. To receive a bill or receipt with the price paid for the services supplied.
  8. To submit complaints and claims and obtain information about the procedure for presenting them and their treatment.
  9. To consult the terms of the privacy policy published on our website.

4 – Obligations

Users of this establishment have the following obligations:

  1. To respect rules of behaviour and hygiene for adequate use of the establishment.
  2. To respect these rules and regulations.
  3. To respect the agreed date of departure from the establishment, leaving the room free.
  4. To pay for services consumed up to the moment they are presented with  the bill or within the agreed period. The submission of a complaint will not be cause for exemption of payment.
  5. To respect the establishment, its installations and equipment.
  6. To respect the surroundings.
  7. To accredit being a user by displaying the admission document when requested to do so.
  8. To respect areas restricted due to age or rates hired.


1 – Reservation

1.1 – All reservations will include the date of the stay, amount and type of room/s including meal rate, cancellation policy and complementary services hired, including the total price and a breakdown of items, except if it is a package deal at an agreed global price.

1.2 – Before making your reservation, and through the same channel used to make it, or any other you may choose, you will be informed of your rights and obligations, among others, about the cancellation policy for the reservation, which will have the following conditions:

  1. If the reservation is cancelled with less than two days’ notice (48 hours), you will be required to pay one night’s stay for every ten or fraction.
  2. If the user were to leave the room before the date specified in the reservation, they will be billed for the services consumed up to that momento plus a penalisation of one night for each ten or fraction of the remaining days.
  3. In the case of non-refundable rates, the agreed conditions will be applicable.
  4. If the cancellation is due to force majeure circumstances, including a health crisis or emergency affecting your place of residence or the location of the establishment, paragraphs a) and b) will not be applicable, and a voucher will be issued, expiring after one year, to stay in the hotel at another time and in the same conditions, although this will be subject to availability.

1.3 – Hotel confirmation of a reservation will be understood as a contract for tourist accommodation, with a physical or electronic record at your disposal.

1.4- Once you have obtained confirmation of your reservation, it will be available for you on the agreed date.

1.5 – If the reservation is confirmed with no payment in advance, it will be maintained up to the agreed time, and if no time has been agreed, the reservation will be maintained until 20:00 of the agreed day.

1.6 – If any advance payment has been made as a deposit, the reservation will be maintained, with no time limit, for the number of days covered by the deposit, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

2 – Price.

2.1 – Guests must pay for the services consumed up to the moment they are presented with the bill, or within the agreed period. The submission of a complaint will not be cause for exemption of payment.

2.2 – Payment can be by prior bank transfer, bank card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or American Express) or in cash up to the legal limit established.

2.3 – If payment of the services is required in advance, this will be expressly announced in our publicity.

2.4.- If bank card data is requested, the publicity will specify if this will be used to guarantee contract compliance or as payment in advance.

2.5.- On making a reservation, the hotel reserves the right to request an advance of the price as a deposit, which will be understood as part payment of the final amount due for the services consumed.

2.6 – The hotel reserves the right to make the corresponding charges for damages to the installations, furnishings and elements of the establishment caused by negligence or misuse.

2.7 – The hotel will not be responsible for payments of services not supplied by or in the establishment, nor for the use of tools, equipment and other services provided outside the premises of the hotel, nor for the behaviour of personnel not employed by the hotel, unless expressly indicated in the conditions and fees.

2.8 – The fees and conditions for the different modes of accommodation, restaurant services, congress events, banquets, laundry services, safe deposit rental, deposits for using swimming pool towels and own or outsourced complementary services are detailed at reception and are at the disposal of guests.

2.9. – Billing for accommodation will be calculated by days, according to the number of overnight stays. The minimum charge for accommodation will be the amount of one overnight stay or day, which will be understood as ending at 12:00 on the day after admission.

2.10 – At any time and prior presentation of a bill and the receipts, the establishment may require users to pay for services provided apart from accommodation, even if payment of accommodation had been agreed in advance.

2.11.- Natural or legal persons supplying complementary services within the premises of this hotel will be responsible for their personnel and their behaviour and work, maintenance, prices and anything related to their services. The room used for these services will clearly identify the owner of the business.

2.12 – This establishment may request a guarantee of the payment of services hired, according to legislation, and charge the corresponding users for any damages caused to installations, furnishings and other establishment elements due to negligence or misuse.

The rooms will also have an information directory with the prices of the most common Services.

Invoices will only be provided for accommodation and services directly hired by the user.

3.- Payment for complementary services

3.1. The complementary services associated with tourist accommodation, such as bars, restaurants, vending machines, etc., may only be paid for using a cashless bracelet to be recharged with funds from the customer.

3.2. The coin bracelet shall be provided by the establishment at no additional cost.

3.3. The recharge of funds may be done in cash or by payment card.

3.4. Customers shall be responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of the same. The loss will not entail any cost for the client, but the establishment declines any type of responsibility with respect to the funds existing in the card at the time of the loss.

3.5. At the end of the stay, the establishment will reimburse the customer for any unused credit.

4 – Period of occupation

4.1 – Guests will have the right to occupy the room from 14:00 hours on the first day of the reservation until 12:00 hours on the last. At times of maximum occupation of the establishment or in exceptional situations, there may be a delay in the availability of the room, which will be no longer than two hours.

In any case, you will be able to access the establishment’s common areas from 12:00 hours of the arrival day.

4.2 – Unless agreed otherwise, extending the stay in the room after the reserved time will require the payment of a fee for “late check-out”.

4.3 – Users may remain accommodated for more days than those specified in the admission document as long as there is a prior agreement, subject to availability. In case of agreement, it will be understood as an extension of the first contract, which will be recorded in the admission document.

5 – Prohibitions

5.1 – The occupation and stay of two people in a room hired as single will not be allowed. If this occurs, the charge will be as established for double use.

5.2 – It is forbidden to smoke on the establishment’s premises, except in expressly designated areas.

5.3 – It is forbidden to play with balls or similar equipment in areas not specifically provided for this use.

5.4 – It is forbidden to use devices, instruments or music reproduction equipment at a volume that disturbs other guests.

5.5 – It is forbidden to consume food or drink outside your room that has not been purchased in the establishment.

5.6 – For hygiene reasons, it is forbidden to consume food in the swimming pools or gardens, except in areas under the control of bars and restaurants.

5.7 – Children are not allowed to use the lifts without being accompanied by an adult responsible for them.

5.8 – Animals are not allowed in the establishment, except guide dogs.

5.9 – It is not allowed to walk around the common areas barefoot or bare-chested. Access to the restaurant wearing a swimming costume or flip-flops and gentlemen wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts will not be allowed.

5.10 – It is not allowed to hang clothing on the balcony railings; use the clothes horses available on the terrace of each room instead.

5.11 – It is expressly forbidden to use, consume or store dangerous products and substances on the premises, as defined in public health legislation.

5.12 – It is totally forbidden to cook in the rooms or use electric kettles without the management’s authorisation.

5.13.- The practice of “balconing” is expressly forbidden, understood as going from balcony to balcony, or jumping into the swimming pool from it, or any similar activity that endangers the physical integrity of people (including the client) or things.

6 – Basic clothing and cleanliness rules

6.1 – Except in deck chair, swimming pool and beach areas, the user must be clothed according to the etiquette required for the services, such as dinner.

6.2 – It is forbidden to walk barefoot in the establishment, except in the deck chair, swimming pool and beach areas.

6.3 – Please use the litter bins and ashtrays.

7 – Use of installations and common areas

For everyone’s safety, guests should use the installations and common areas in accordance with their intended use, respecting the maximum capacity indicated, as well as the hygiene and health regulations imposed by the public authorities or by the hotel.

Guests will be responsible for damage to the installations and common areas if used for purposes other than their intended purpose.

According to the season, the different services offered may have different opening and closing times. The establishment reserves the right to refuse admission outside the established times. Access may also be denied if the maximum authorised capacity has been reached or if indicated in the limits for admission, thus harming the working programme of these services. Said services, details of their scheduled times, prices and conditions of use are exhibited at the access to them and summarised in the room directories, which also contain information about emergency evacuation and free services.

8 – Minors

Minors staying in the hotel must always be under the supervision of an adult.

9 – Safe deposit boxes

Each accommodation contains a safe deposit box free of charge. The room directories will indicate the terms and conditions of use of this service. The establishment will accept no responsibility for the loss of valuables that are not kept in these boxes..

10 – Room cleaning service and Directory

The room cleaning service will be carried out from 9.00 to 15:00 hours. Hotel reception should be informed of any need for cleaning outside this timeframe.

If a guest needs the cleaning service at a specific time, they should request it at reception.

For their safety, room attendants will clean your room when nobody is present.

If you want your room cleaned, you can hang the “Please clean the room” notice on the outside door handle.

If you wish to be left alone, hang the “please do not disturb” notice (on request at reception).

You can consult the directory by using the QR codes in the room.

All elements in the room are disinfected after the departure of every guest, using products certified by the health department and following a rigorous protocol.

11 – Swimming pools and gardens

They can be used and enjoyed free of charge. The room directories will indicate times and conditions for use, which are the following:

It is forbidden to use the swimming pools outside the times established by the hotel, as the maintenance personnel will be cleaning them and chlorinating the water. The establishment will accept no liability for any harm produced to people or damage to belongings if these times are not respected. It is forbidden to use pool floaters, balls and similar objects.

For the benefit of other people, the grass and plants, it is forbidden to dive into the water in an inverted position, headfirst. It is also forbidden to play with balls or similar elements in the gardens.

The swimming pools haven´t  a lifeguard, Parents or tutors of minors must ensure that they do not use the swimming pools or supervise them under their responsibility. For hygiene reasons, it is mandatory to wear a swimming costume and not enter the pools with diapers or similar items.

It is forbidden to use room towels, blankets, etc. in the swimming pool and garden areas.

The use of deck chairs in the swimming pool area is free, but not in the beach area. It is not allowed to reserve deck chairs by placing clothing or other personal objects on them for an indeterminate time if they are not in continuous use. If necessary, hotel staff will remove the clothes or things from the deck chairs so that other guests can use them.

Due to the capacity limitations implemented for health reasons, the hotel may have to establish shifts during the high season, so everyone can enjoy the pool.

12 – Tips and suggestions

Keep an eye on your baggage. Do not leave it unattended.

When on the beach and in the swimming pool, keep an eye on your belongings, do not leave them unattended.

Keep the door of your room closed when it is occupied. Close the door of your room when you leave and check that it is correctly closed, even if you are only leaving the room for a brief moment.

Close your baggage when it is not in use and keep it in your cupboard. Always lock your luggage if possible.

Never leave jewels, money or valuable objects on display in your room.

Immediately inform hotel management of anything abnormal such as: suspicious people in the corridor, repeated phone calls of unidentified people, unknown people knocking on the door of your room, or nobody at the door when you open it.

If you have left your key in the room or lost it, only Reception staff are authorised to give you a replacement key.

Never allow anyone into your room with an unrequested delivery.

If you observe any damage or anomaly, please contact reception.

Your room has a 220-volt electrical mains supply.

Please respect the room areas during the night and siesta-time, and in general, avoid making unnecessary noise.

Please use the installations properly, respecting the hotel furnishings and gardens.

Please respect the time schedules of hotel installations.

If a fire and evacuation drill is carried out during your stay, we would appreciate your participation.

Some time schedules may vary according to the time of the year.

To guarantee guests’ safety, privacy and peace of mind, this establishment has electronic surveillance equipment with permanent recording systems in gardens, corridors and other common areas.



1 – Doubts and queries.

In case of a doubt or query regarding the operation of this establishment, you can contact the reception staff or the Customer Attention Service, who will give you an answer or contact staff that can solve your doubt or query. The Hotel Manager Will be ultimately responsible for solving your doubt or question.



1 – Services provided by third parties

1.1 – Our establishment offers excursions and other services and experiences provided by outside companies. You can obtain information about these at the reception desk or Customer Attention Service.

1.2 – This Hotel will not be liable for services provided by outside companies.

1.3 – Scheduled times for activities and musical performances could be modified without prior notice.

1.4 – The PARKING AND GARAGE service is exclusively for hotel guests and will be subject to the availability of parking spaces.

The fee for this service is 20€ per 24 hours of parking.

A parked car should only occupy one parking space. The spaces reserved for vehicles of disabled people must be respected.

Vehicles parked in the space reserved for disabled people should display the mandatory card in the window.

It is not allowed to park vehicles at the main Hotel entrance for safety reasons. This will only be allowed for loading and unloading luggage.



This hotel offers users the following services: Reception, Laundry-Dry cleaning; Restaurant and Bar; Swimming pool and Gym, among others.

You can find information about these services below:


Reception is in charge of carrying out check-in procedures and handing out room keys or cards. The hotel manager, together with the reception staff and, if applicable, concierge service, are responsible for relations with guests for all internal hotel affairs and providing information and advice about these. There is also an app through which guests can directly contact this department.


Your room has information about the conditions of these services, prices and clothing delivery and collection times.

This establishment will not be held liable for garments that, due to their condition or composition, shrink, lose their colour or deteriorate.


The timetable for the different services offered by the restaurant-buffet is the following:

BREAKFAST 8:00 – 11:00

LUNCH 13:00 – 15:00

DINNER 19:30 – 22:00

This timetable could be modified due to possible changes in maximum authorised capacity, legal

regulations or hotel decision.

In the rest of the bar and restaurant areas, a la carte meals are served from 12.00 to 22.00 hours.

It is not allowed to take food out of the restaurant-buffet.

Before entering the dining rooms, guests must exhibit their admission

documents or cashless band to the hotel staff, to be charged for the products they consume according t

o their regime.


If a guest is to leave before the opening time of the restaurant, they can receive a cold breakfast which will be handed over in picnic or another format, depending on the establishment’s internal protocol. To receive this cold breakfast, the guest must notify reception the day before.


The accommodation regimes available are described below:

Bed and breakfast:

In the bed and breakfast regime, breakfast is included*.

Half Board

In the half board regime, breakfast* and dinner* are included, but without drinks. Prices will be according to consumption, with an extra charge.

Full Board

In the full board regime, breakfast*, the dinner* of the arrival day and the lunch * of the departure day are included, not including drinks in lunch or dinner. Prices according to consumption with an extra charge.

*All restaurant services may be a la carte or buffet, as decided by the hotel.


The hotel bars open from 11.00 to 00.00h.

This timetable could be modified by possible changes in maximum authorised

capacity, legal regulations or hotel decision.

The bars have a beverage menu and a snacks menu.


These services are open from 10.00 to 18.00h.

The actual schedule could be altered due to capacity regulations, legal imperative or hotel ecision; please consult the current timetable at the hotel reception.

Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to use the swimming pools without being accompanied by an adult.

Access to the swimming pool is exclusively for hotel guests and those who have paid the access fee, if applicable.

The access of salespeople and/or masseurs from outside is not allowed.

It is mandatory to shower before swimming in the pool.

It is not allowed to use balls, floaters, etc., in the swimming pool, except floats for children.

The use of deck chairs in the swimming pool area is free of charge.

It is forbidden to use room towels in the swimming pool or beach.

It is forbidden to enter glasses or other glass objects in the swimming pool and beach areas.

It is forbidden to consume food or drinks in the swimming pool/beach that ave not been purchased

in the Hotel.

Please use the litter bins and ashtrays.

It is not allowed to reserve deck chairs; they can only be occupied if the guest is in the area.

Guests are informed that if deck chairs with towels on them have been unused for one hour or

more, the towel will be removed so that another guest the use the chair.


Pool towels are available for guests at reception. There is a daily rental cost and a deposit to

be paid. Subsequent towel-washing will be billed at the prices and under the conditions specified in

the room directories.


The establishment has this facility free of charge for its users, including outdoor facilities. For safety reasons, only those over 18 years of age are allowed to use it, provided with a towel, clothes and sports footwear suitable for this type of facility.

The gym is open from 10.00 to 18.00h. The actual schedule could be altered due to capacity regulations, legal imperative or the hotel’s decision; please consult the current timetable at the hotel reception.

The gym is only for doing physical exercise.

It is required to use your towel for hygiene reasons and to avoid deteriorating the machines.

It is totally forbidden to smoke or consume alcoholic drinks in this area.

The maximum number of people in the gym at the same time will be two.

For the benefit of everyone, please put the material used back in its corresponding location when you finish with it. Likewise, please be careful with the material to avoid premature wear.

If you have any questions or notice any faults, please inform Reception or Customer Attention as soon as possible.


  • WIFI service INCLUDED in all the establishment for the clients. In order to access this service the customer must register by providing an email address.


There will be an animation service in the hotel during the season, with activities for all ages. The calendar of activities and times can be seen on the animation notice board in the reception area.


This service is exclusively for guests. There will be a panel with the exchange rates and currencies accepted by the hotel, in a visible location where the service is offered.

Guests must identify themselves with their ID document or passport to cash traveller’s cheques or use them for payment. The staff offering this service are not experts in foreign currency or traveller’s cheques, so in case of any discrepancy in the signatures or doubts regarding the authenticity of these documents or the currency, they may refuse to carry out the operation.



1 – Safety of installations and services.

1.1 – All of the hotel’s installations and services are equipped with measures to favor or guarantee your safety at all times.

1.2 – Nevertheless, if you think that the use of some installation or service could be a risk for your health or physical integrity, please contact our Customer Attention service for information and to dispel any concern.

1.3 – In any case, if you have any doubts about the health or physical integrity risks of using any installation or service, please choose another service or installation.


1.- General Regime

In accordance with the provisions of article 29.2 of Law 7/2023, of 28 March, on the protection of the rights and welfare of animals, and other regional and municipal legislation, users are informed that the establishment does not admit the presence or stay of pets in its facilities.

2.- Specifications for assistance dogs belonging to State Security Forces and Bodies, and people with disabilities.

Exempt from this prohibition are assistance dogs used by the State Security Forces and Corps, in accordance with the legislation that regulates them.

Likewise, the presence and stay of dogs that assist people with any type of disability or certain health conditions will be permitted.

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation, the right of access and stay of assistance dogs may be denied in the following circumstances:

– When the assistance dog shows obvious signs of poor hygiene or clear symptoms of illness, such as diarrhoeal stools, abnormal secretions or open wounds.

– When there is an imminent and serious risk to the physical integrity of persons or the dog itself.

– When a decision has been taken by the competent authority to suspend or revoke the assistance dog status.

The right of access shall not be exercised in the following areas and places:

– Food processing areas and those for exclusive access by staff of restaurants, bars, cafeterias and other places intended for catering.

– Swimming pool area.

In order to exercise the right of access, the person using the assistance dog, shall:

– Check availability at the time of booking.

– Proof of the condition of assistance dog duly authorised by the competent body, as well as that of user of the same at the time of making the reservation.

– To provide the civil liability insurance policy when required by the hotel staff.

– To keep the dog at their side and controlled with restraint when roaming around the hotel establishment’s common areas and spaces.

February 2024 edition